A wide variety of special events are planned for the Scranton sesquicentennial Saturday, June 29.
The line-up includes:
Quilt raffle – See the Doris Tolsdorf/Heartfelt Quilters quilt displayed at Peoples Bank in Scranton. Raffle tickets for the quilt may be purchased the day of the celebration at the information table at the corner of Madison & Main. Tickets are available now at Peoples Bank, city hall, or from a Heartfelt Quilter.
Wood carving raffle – Andy Klindt, chainsaw wood carver, will be donating a piece as well for raffle. See the picture at Peoples Bank or on our Facebook page. Tickets will be sold at Peoples Bank and city hall.
Awards Presentation – Gazebo Park, 1 pm. This is when medals will be presented for the vehicle shows, as well as other contests. We will also auction off the cakes from the cake decorating contest.
Art Show – United Methodist Church basement, 12 – 4 pm. Michelle Robson, Jefferson-Scranton Class of 2006, will host an art show of her acrylic paintings. This spring, Michelle has been working on several paintings specific to the Scranton area, so make sure to look for those. Michelle can paint your farm or other property from a photograph as a unique gift. Early visitors to the art show can pick up free chilled bottled water as long as supplies last.
Scanning History – Council chambers, 12 – 4 pm. An interesting addition to the festival is Brenda Esdohr with her project, Scanning History. Scanning History is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the photo history of communities, schools, churches and other organizations. Old photos continue to deteriorate when stored in shoe boxes or photo albums from the ‘70s.
Encouraging community members to bring in their photos of the community will help accomplish several things. It will preserve those photos in a digital format; it will allow the community to find new treasures in photos that individuals have that no one has known about or seen, and it will allow those photos to be available online for individuals to search for historic photos that may be sitting in storage right now.
Contact Esdohr at Brenda.scanninghistory@gmail.com or call 515.216.4441.
Fashion Show – Methodist Church sanctuary, 2 pm. Come see how our fashions in clothing have changed over the years,hosted by Becky Rumley. Fashions from days gone by will be modeled/displayed for those attending.
Quilt Talk: Marchant Memorial Library, 1 -2 pm. Jo Anne Schnebly of rural Scranton will talk about quilts and have dozens of interesting quilts on hand to learn about and view.
PAWS: You will want to check out PAWS exhibit, with animals up for adoption from 12 noon – 4 p.m.
Have you noticed the new light pole banners on Main Street in Scranton? These banners have been provided by Scranton Telephone Company, MacDonald Insurance Agency and the Scranton Betterment Committee. Thanks to these local businesses and committee for supporting the celebration in this way.
Scranton cookbooks will be on sale during the afternoon at the Marchant Memorial Library.
Other reminders: The parade entry participation form is online at https://www.scrantonsesqui2019.com/, or you can register for the parade by filling out a form at City Hall. The parade starts at 10:30 am.
The Scranton play and alumni chorus event is still looking for participants. This program will be held in the Community Center gymnasium starting at 4:15 p.m. If you are a Scranton alum and would like to participate in this event, please email Bob and Cathie Reck at robertreck@yahoo.com.
Stop by City Hall to see commemorative Scranton items available for sale now!
Events are all free to attend! Mark your calendar for Saturday, June 29, as a day to spend in Scranton, celebrating the town and connecting or re-connecting with some of the nicest people anywhere!